The Chocolate Smiths Recipe for 400% YOY Growth

Founder and CEO Steffi Smith joins us this week to discuss scaling the business while keeping key values at the forefront of every decision.
Hannah Hooton
September 21, 2022
The Chocolate Smiths Recipe for 400% YOY Growth

From 40k followers to 140k followers overnight, Steffi Smith and her innovative chocolate company “The Chocolate Smiths” Bizzare Bars have caught the attention of some huge celebrities. Joe Wickes endorsing them on his stories led to a meteoric rise in sales but most admirably, Steffi isn’t willing to risk her values for the growth. Her people first, values first approach to business is so insightful to hear. All of their chocolate is handmade in Newcastle Upon Tyne and their limited edition products sell like wildfire. I personally had to taste a number before, during and after this episode just to be sure.


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